Medium Partner’s Program is Racist

4 min readJun 7, 2020
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

There are only 4 Black People in Fortune 500

“ Institutional racism (also known as systemic racism) is a form of racism expressed in the practice of social and political institutions. It is reflected in disparities regarding wealth, income, criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power and education, among other factors.

Institutional racism is distinguished from racial bigotry by the existence of institutional systemic policies, practices and economic and political structures which place minority racial and ethnic groups at a disadvantage in relation to an institution’s racial or ethnic majority. “

I will keep this short and to the point. Stripe hates you if you are not from white countries.

Stripe operates only in:

Ajit Nathaniel has a great piece about this

This list reads like a roll call of privilege and whiteness — Barring Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore, there’s no representation from Asia, and there is absolutely no representation of Africa and South America. Articles by western writers about how they made $10,000 in a single month from writing on Medium mock Asian anglophones — our highly talented writers for whom such a sum would cover expenses for a family for an entire year. From looking around, I can see that Medium has readers from India — I suspect there are many Indian writers too — if Medium is able to charge us for our membership, why can’t it find the means to pay us for our writing? Or has Medium written off India’s 125 million anglophones as only consumers — incapable of delivering quality writing?

Medium accepts payments from all over the globe

They were smart enough to figure that out.

They just could not figure out to pay them back.

😕 Bummer

They somehow opted for partnering with a sub-par pathetic piece of software called Stripe. Which is also unsurprisingly funded by Elon Musk.

Factories of whom are known for being notoriously racist.

Tesla is sued. A hearing was to be held in May.

White folks talk about globalism, capitalism, and free-market while they are all exercising ethnic socialism, globalism as in selling to the globe but not investing and advocate free-market if that market belongs to them. Their privilege is that important. They don’t want non-white sharks in their water. Small players are ok.

Why are there Only 4 Black People In Fortune 500? TextBook institutional racism.

Other types of bigotry are involved in the making of this scene probably, but I will stick to that.

People without privileges are rarely given any chances to participate thanks to the bureaucracy. It is set up so well, i want to give them a standing ovation.

My question is simple: What is the purpose of throwing bureaucracy on people from other countries with hopes that they will give up? They are literally blocking you out. While It is technically possible and they know.

We have the technology, software, know-how. We can cross borders with our services. Why i ask, Why Medium is so caught up with this white-supremacist tool.

Take Airbnb for example, they send you a physical card with their logo on it. You can pay your hard-earned money with it. They don’t care where you live. It is obviously possible to go down that road.

They are forcing writers to find workarounds. Medium is full of articles about how to find ways to get paid when you are outside all-mighty Stripe’s designated countries. Why? Why should people feel alienated because one inadequate software company deemed so and Why Medium, a platform for freely sharing ideas and stories somehow went ahead and partnered with these incapable collections of human-beings?

I am done with Medium. I would rather have my own platform and suffer there at least with dignity.

In the age of Quantum Computers and aggressive data collection, I refuse to believe a platform as big as this just couldn’t figure this out.

This is exactly what institutional racism is. They are literally putting one more obstacle for non-priveleged entrepreneurs out there. They tell you to: “Sit the fuck down, pay if you want to read white folks and write for free as if your opinions even matter. Do not earn a buck you don’t deserve it.




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